dare to fail,..
the test of a man is the fight he makes,
the grit that he daily shows;
the way he stands on his feet and takes
fate's numerous bumps and blows,
a coward can smile when there's naught to fear,
when nothing his progress bars;
but it takes a man to stand up and cheer
while some other fellow stars,..
it isn't the victory, after all,
but the fight that a brother makes;
the man who, driven against the wall,
still stands up erect and takes
the blows of fate with his head held high;
bleeding, and bruished, and pale,
is the man who'll win in the by and by,
for he is the one who DARES TO FAIL,..
every failure is a lesson that drives a person to try a new approach never tried before,..
(Billy Lim)
Dare to Fail 4th Ed.
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