stormy weather,..
manoeuvering life would have the same analogy as sailing ship in the sea,.. life would not always be smooth,.. sometimes, strong winds blows, thunder strikes and huge wave throws,.. however we must to give our best and be all-out for it,.. as Allah do not test His believer more than they are capable of,.. we are guaranteed to be able to cope with any type incoming problem - regardless of its severity,.. inside every problem lies a gem of wisdom, which makes us smarter, stronger and able to do better,.. once we solve it,..
"past failure are the guidepost for future success"
(Billy Lim)
thinking of it deeply, there are actually no way for you to fail in life,.. no one can learn from success, as mistakes and failures are the greatest teachers, and you will become more mature and develop throughout your life moving forward towards your true success,..
"men are disturbed not by things that happen, but by their opinion the things that happen,.."
however, always bear in mind that you must always give your full potential in everything you do,.. never be in the lack of respect or taking matters lightly, as by that way you will lose if you are not aware of it,.. play your role in life, serve all your ability to improve yourself to help others,..
"when I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say: I used everything you gave me"
(Etty Syarmila)
lately, i have been sailing in the very stormy weather,.. i lose my grip in almost everything i do - research, friendship, classes, time management, healthcare,.. i lose my morality, slowing down the forward momentum,.. most of the time, my mind could not respond positively to surrounding stimuli,.. i tend to allow my emotions do the talk, rather than listening to my rationality,.. it made me really depressed,.. as i became stuck inside an invisible hole, don't the way out,..
i don't know what to do,.. i share my problems with some of my close friends, however it only ends with wasting their time,.. i am in the state of unaware of my current condition, i really don't know what troubled me,..
"obstacles would not destroy your vision, but your attitude will,.."
(Winnie Vincent)
i felt really afraid, i am unable to cope with my own invisible problem,.. as time goes on, the collateral damage greatly accumulate,.. i really need to get out of this situation!! as the damage reach the threshold, i would be in a total disaster,..
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