dandelion, love that is spread by winds,..
(picture taken from asiatorrents.com)
let's make the whole world bloom with flowers of light,..
floating on dandelion fluff,..
a single seed from parts unknown,..
became a flower blooming in our town,..
small kindnesses and sympathy,..
land in someone's heart,..
budding and blooming,..
and bearing fruit,..
shall I become the wind?
I want this love to reach your town,..
shall I become the wind?
I want to cross the ocean to give you my love,..
there are no borders for the migratory bird,..
traveling the world from country to country,..
looking down from up in the sky,..
the ground spreads out below,..
there is just one Earth!!
the family of the blue planet,..
shall I become a bird?
from the sky all worries look small,..
shall I ask the birds?
is our planet still beautiful?
I'll become a bird,...
ah, I'd almost forgotten this unforced smile,..
ah, we look the same, but everyone is different,..
I'm, I'm looking for the reason I'm here,...
shall I become the wind?
I want this love to reach your town,..
shall I become the wind?
I want to cross the ocean to give you my love,..
I'll entrust it to the wind!!
take our love,..
let's become the wind!
let's make flowers bloom in everyone's heart,..
let's become the wind,..
angin tak nampak dimata..
be somtehing else so that she can see you..
thanks for the advice, nard!! :)