be positive and cheerful,..
Perhaps the most helpful decision you can make is to develop the habit of being a pleasant, positive person. Refuse to criticize, condemn, or complain. Do not engage in gossip or gripe sessions with your co-workers. Imagine that everything you say at work will be repeated and published on the company bulletin board. Guard your tongue. Instead, look for something good to say about everyone.
Always be cheerful and friendly. Be patient and easy going. Be polite and courteous. Be thoughtful and considerate. Be the kind of person everyone likes to have working for them, or likes to work for or with.
In our modern business world, it is always the people who are competent, capable, likable, and pleasant who are paid the most and promoted the fastest. Make it a habit to look for the good in every person and situation, to keep focused on helping other people, and to add value to your company. These habits will help you as much or more than anything else you could possibly do.
"Million Dollar Habits: Proven Power Practices to Double and Triple Your Income" by Brian Tracy (2006)
Entrepreneur Media Inc. (Canada)
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