sleep-over at food garden, LCCT!!
previously scheduled on 9.50pm, the flight AK5219 was retimed to depart from kuching international airport (KIA) on 11.25pm,.. it did not bother me at all since i had been planning on staying overnight at LCCT waiting for my early flight tomorrow to kuala terengganu,..
(food garden, LCCT at 2.25am)
today my supervisor had phoned me since his naughty student (me) did not yet update him with the new plan of departing from kuching on 2nd of march, instead of 28th of february previously,.. surely, tomorrow i need to meet him!!
(there's still plenty of empty seats for those who want to join the sleep-over, yeay!!)
planning on doing review on my research proposal tonight, i ended up with facebook, twitter, youtube and blogger, haish~ haahaha!! go aman!! go aman!! productivity is the key of success!!
aman signing out from LCCT!! wishing you a productive day ahead!!
Aman Fathur
(March 3, 2011)
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